Monday, 6 January 2014

 Went for a family walk this evening and as per usual I had my camera in hand. We walked along the river behind our home and I decided to start snapping away at our 2 yr old daughter Matilda. These are some of the results. When on our family walks we always look for Tinkerbell (Matilda loves Tinkerbell) hence all the pointing, lol !

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Jemma and Izak.

Did a mini family shoot session with Jemma and Izak. It was stinking hot, and the wrong time of day to be doing photos so we were struggling with that sun and over-exposure. We found a couple nice shadey bits and went from there. Jemma and Izak did an amazing job posing and dealing with that icky sticky heat.

Thank you Jemma and Izak,

 I got to do a little Christmas Mini session not that long ago, for an awesome friend her partner and their kids.

I never had any intention of doing anything Christmasy this year. So it was a kind of thrown together shoot. I think we did great :) Kids were hectic and on the go (as kids are). But we soldiered on and got there. Lol !

Thank you Amy, Angus and the tribe.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

1. Left- SOOC
2. Middle- Action
3. Right- Black & White